Thanks for this heartwarming update! What an encouragement it is to see these brothers and sisters in Christ trusting God to provide and giving selflessly to those around them! A true inspiration for the rest of us!
In this broken world we live in,God has always positioned HIS OWN (citizens of the kingdom)to bring about true transformation(holiness through Jesus) a transformation which springs from the heart and as a result yields fruit.fruit which is not only manifested by what we say or do but rather with what attitude we do “these noble things “ always brings so much joy to my heart when I witness true believers serving God in spirit and truth.
Uncle Joe and Auntie DD am exceedingly proud and blessed to see the transformation your act of obedience to Jesus’s call for everyone who proclaims to be his follower which is to go out and make disciples which can only be done by loving the lord and thus loving your fellow man.thank you and God bless you.
Joe, this is what everyone needs to not just read, but to truly understand. We live in a fallen world and only the love and grace of God can help us. If we only lived by the two greatest commandments in the Bible, the entire world would be different.
Love the Lord with all your heart, soul, and mind.
Thanks for this heartwarming update! What an encouragement it is to see these brothers and sisters in Christ trusting God to provide and giving selflessly to those around them! A true inspiration for the rest of us!
Thank you, wonderful news from Uganda.
In this broken world we live in,God has always positioned HIS OWN (citizens of the kingdom)to bring about true transformation(holiness through Jesus) a transformation which springs from the heart and as a result yields fruit.fruit which is not only manifested by what we say or do but rather with what attitude we do “these noble things “ always brings so much joy to my heart when I witness true believers serving God in spirit and truth.
Uncle Joe and Auntie DD am exceedingly proud and blessed to see the transformation your act of obedience to Jesus’s call for everyone who proclaims to be his follower which is to go out and make disciples which can only be done by loving the lord and thus loving your fellow man.thank you and God bless you.
Joe, this is what everyone needs to not just read, but to truly understand. We live in a fallen world and only the love and grace of God can help us. If we only lived by the two greatest commandments in the Bible, the entire world would be different.
Love the Lord with all your heart, soul, and mind.
Love your neighbor as yourself.
Thank you for sharing your experience with us.